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Denver Producer Project Aspect Returns With Second EP of 2020, ‘Together In Pieces’ [Listen]

Colorado producer Project Aspect returns with his second EP of the year, Together In Pieces. A self-proclaimed throwback album, Jay (Project Aspect) is not too far off the mark. As with a lot of the music coming out of Mile High, this new album has Pretty Lights vibes all over it.

Throughout the album, you can really tell that Project Aspect is missing those simpler days. You know, when the world was not a total dumpster fire. I feel this especially with the track “Rebel Rewind.” Jay’s use of space between the bass has always been on point, especially on “Rebel Rewind.” Listeners can feel the true old school vibes almost immediately. And although it gave me a feeling of melancholy. It’s a gem.

Happy Snacks,” still keeps it old school, but also feels brighter in nature. This single is brings a unique feeling of hope. “Happy Snacks” has excellent use of horns, that give it an almost island vibe. The use of layering on this single really shines the brightest.

The last single on the EP, “I Don’t want the sun to go down,” reminds listeners of an 80s throwback. Definitely something you would see in Weird Science or Real Genius. About a minute in the bass finally kicks in; not completely changing the vibe of the track, but it goes harder than you expect with its light synthy beginning for sure.

There is a certain beauty to the simplicity of Together In Pieces. This is only the second time Project Aspect has used real instruments to create his music. Listeners can tell how much fun Project Aspect is having manipulating and chopping the unique sounds he creates. Project Aspect is at the point where he’s fine-tuning his abilities as an artist and this EP is proof.


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