The Denver Drive-In at the Denver Mart is usually home to such family classics As E.T. or The Goonies, but last week the venue held a true outdoor bass music experience.
Since Denver is the un-official bass capital of the U.S., why not have the bass-heavy Minnesota and BUKU headlining. While we are at it let’s throw in WAKAAN’s Luzcid as an opener. Needless to say, the show sold out.
The first thing I noticed when I got there early, was how well the production and staff seemed to flow with each other. The event’s producer Q-Vents, and their founder Jake Taylor, know how to put together an amazing team. This was not the first Drive-In Q-Vents has produced, but it was the first in the greater Denver area.
Top-notch production
The production for 5280 Drive-In featured a giant drive-in screen to project visuals. Q-Vents brought in local production teams Potent Productions and Awaken The Night to create a memorable visual and audio experience.
As soon as I sat down backstage I was greeted by production and site operations manager Mason Alexander Lofshult. A self-proclaimed “Sound Ninja,” Mason’s presence guaranteed the sound would be perfect for this unique show. I spoke to Mason afterward, and this is what he had to say about the 5280 drive-in.
“The Q-Vents 5280 Drive-in was a Major Success! We had what some would call a “Dream Team” at the Helm, together we held a tight ship from Start to Finish. With all the craziness in the world these past few months, it was definitely a Blessing to see everyone’s Joyous faces again! Q-Vents cultivated such an amazing experience where the community was able to collectively gather (while following social distancing standards) to make everlasting memories for all those involved!” – Mason LofshultÂ
You can really tell how much everyone has missed being a part of a show like this. There is an incredibly bright future, for this Jack Of All Trades. You heard it here first.
Alright, let’s talk about the sound system brought to you by the sound production team of Awaken The Night. This event marked the official debut of the legendary Resolution 9 system by Funktion One in the US.
For those in the know, these are classics. Res 9’s have what some might even call a “cult” following. The sound system was basically created because legendary singer and producer Peter Gabriel couldn’t figure out how to make a sound project work, due to weight issues. Funktion One’s Tony Andrews and John Newsome used space technology to create this revolutionary sound system.
900 shows later, Awaken The Night founder Jeff Bailie acquires the system and starts making upgrades to the mounting rig, including custom stack boards. Currently, Awaken The Night is the only U.S. sound company with the Res 9’s available. I feel blessed to have even been around them.
I can’t say enough about the entire production team. Even when they faced difficulties due to technical issues, they had the system back up and running in twenty minutes. When you consider these kind’s of events are new to everybody, this is a gigantic success. It was comforting to see that kind of teamwork from behind the scenes. Even with a few hiccups, the entire production team did such an amazing job.
These truly are crazy times, and you never know what type of obstacles are coming your way. Congrats to all the artist’s teams, media, press, production staff, and especially Q-Vents for a great job with this event.