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Check Out these Black Lives Matter Murals Popping Up all Over Denver [PHOTOS]

The Black Lives Matter movement has gained attention from all over the country and even, the world. Lately, Black Lives Matter murals have been popping up all over Denver and surrounding areas. Denver artists are also showcasing murals featuring black power figures that can be found throughout the city.

Most importantly, many BLM murals are highlighting justice for black victims whose cases are still not resolved and calling for those involved to be charged. We tip our hat to these artists for their courageous stand and for showcasing these lives in their art. 

We’ve collected a few of the incredible Black Lives Matter murals in and around Denver: 

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ATATIANA JEFFERSON On the morning of October 12, 2019, Atatiana Jefferson, a loving aunt, pre-med grad student, and care taker for her mother who had health issues, was at home playing video games with her nephew. Hearing sounds outside, Atatiana grabbed her legal handgun, walked towards the window, and lost her life within seconds. The Fort Worth police received a non-emergency "welfare call" noting that the front door to someone's home was was open. Heavily edited body cam footage shows two officers had walked around the side of the home. Officer Aaron Dean had walked into Jefferson's backyard without identifying himself. Seeing Jefferson in the window of her home, the officer yelled "put your hands up! Show me your hands!" Only seeing a glimpse of Atatiana's face through the window, and not the firearm as it was obstructed from view, Dean fired a single shot within seconds thus taking Atatiana's life in front of her nephew. When responding to welfare checks, officers typically knock on the house’s doors or call inside. In this case, officers surrounded the home, acted as if there was illegal activity taking place, did not identify themselves, and shot without thinking. – #blacklivesmatter #saytheirname #spraytheirname #atatianajefferson #aarondean #naacp #righttoprotect #denver #streetart #mural #ripatatiana #sayhername #nojusticenopeace #fucktheracistpolice #fortworth #texas #alllivesdontmatteruntilblacklivesdo #endpolicebrutality #5280 #76006 #amplifyblackvoices

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Featured image (and many of these murals) by: Thomas Evans (@detour303)

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